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Interest in Jefferson FireRescue Training Division

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At Jefferson FireRescue Training, we believe in the power of experience. Our unique approach to training is forged in the very fires that you will face as a firefighter and rescue worker. We are not just instructors; we are individuals who have been in the thick of it, who understand what it takes to succeed in this challenging field.


Our Philosophy: Commit, Experience, Build

  • Commit: Dedication to the highest standards of training.

  • Experience: Hands-on, experiential learning that goes beyond the norm.

  • Build: Cultivating confidence, knowledge, and growth in every student and leader.


What Sets Us Apart

  • Training and consulting by seasoned firefighters, rescue workers, and instructors.

  • A focus on real-world scenarios that prepare you for anything.

  • An environment that nurtures both personal and professional development.


“Learn from Experience”

Your first step to becoming a seasoned professional starts here!

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Firefighter Gear Lying on Truck


Our Promise: “Training Forged in the Fires”

Experience-based training that equips you to handle real-life situations.

“Train Strong, Do Your Job” – our motto that emphasizes strength, both physical and mental.

Learn from those who have been there, and gain insights that only experience can teach.

Fire Hoses

In Person Training

Our training, crafted by experienced professionals, focuses on practical, real-world scenarios to ensure your team is fully prepared for any challenge.

Online Training

Learn Anywhere at Anytime

Tool / Equipment DEMOS

Experience & Understanding

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